Lyft and Uber drivers, we see you! If you are a Lyft driver in Carrollton, TX, we want to show our support. We have created a sign that fits on the back of your headrest in your car to let riders know your name, what you can offer, and also to encourage them to leave you a review and a tip.
FREE Headrest Sign for Lyft Drivers
This sign comes with everything you need to hang it right away – including the cord. Use this sign in your car to encourage your riders to ask for what they need, whether it’s a change to the music, turning the A/C up or down, or requesting a phone charger. This sign also encourages them to leave a review and a tip.
Don’t worry, it won’t wrinkle like regular paper would. The sign is made of a thick material, so you can use it for years. If you drive for a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft in or around Carrollton, submit your request here for a free seatback sign. You can also call or text us at 972-360-9898 to request your sign.