Beware of Ambulance Chasing Lawyers
If you have been injured in an accident, you have enough on your plate. You shouldn’t have to watch out for ambulance chasing scammers too. Unfortunately, it happens and it can be hard to differentiate a helpful
Samaritan from someone who is employed by a lawyer to get your information. Here’s what to watch out for:
Any solicitors at the accident scene
People at the accident scene “offering advice” about which attorney to use
Letters you receive in the mail from attorneys who know you were in an accident
People who claim they are representatives of “accident victim organizations”
The goal of ambulance chasers is to manipulate you into signing up for a lawyer. No respectable lawyer will approach you in this manner to get you to sign up for legal services. “Ambulance chasing” is unethical, and in Texas it’s illegal.
What is an example of a lawyer “ambulance chasing”?
What to do when an ambulance approaches you while driving in Texas
Hurt in a Car Accident? We Can Help.
If you have been hurt in a car accident, call Carrollton Injury Law at 972-848-5766 for a FREE injury claim evaluation. We will show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law