Preventing School Zone Accidents: A Safety Guide

Preventing School Zone Accidents: A Safety Guide

Every day, parents across Texas trust that their children will be safe as they head to and from school. School zones, designed to protect the youngest and most vulnerable members of our community, should be effortlessly safe for pedestrians of all ages. However, the reality is that school zones can be dangerous, and the risks […]

Don’t Make This Mistake After a Car Accident

Don't make this mistake after a car accident The first mistake you can make regarding your accident injury claim is not calling the police and asking for a police report. After an accident, you may not really think you’re hurt and the adrenaline may still be flowing. The collision just happened, and we have many of our clients that tell us that […]

The Insurance Adjuster is a Brat!

The insurance adjuster is a brat If you were hurt in an accident recently, you’re already playing a game with a brat, but you may not realize it. Remember back when you were a kid playing with friends and there was always that one bratty kid that always wanted to play the game their way and nobody else’s? The insurance […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Posting About Your Car Accident to Social Media

4 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Posting About Your Car Accident to Social Media

In the age of Facebook updates and Instagram stories, it’s natural to feel the urge to share life’s moments, both big and small. However, when it comes to a car accident, hitting the brakes on your social media sharing instinct can be crucial for protecting your legal rights and ensuring a smooth recovery process. The […]

Can a Personal Injury Settlement be Garnished in Texas?

Can a Personal Injury Settlement be Garnished in Texas?

If you have been injured in an accident, you are already dealing with a lot. On top of that, you may have outstanding debts that you’re worried about paying, especially if you have to miss work to recover from your injuries. Considering that over 77% of Americans are carrying debt, you are not alone in […]

The Road to Recovery: How a Car Accident Can Impact Your Divorce

The Road to Recovery: How a Car Accident Can Impact Your Divorce

Carrollton Injury Law is pleased to provide this guest post by relationship thought leader and prominent divorce attorney Meghan Freed.  Attorney Freed co-founded the top-tier Connecticut divorce and family law firm Freed Marcroft. According to Unfinished Man, “Connecticut-based lawyer Meghan Freed is nationally known for her perspective that divorce is an opportunity for transformation, and […]

The Most Dangerous Highways in Texas

The Most Dangerous Highways in Texas

According to crash fatality data from the NHTSA in 2018, three of the fifty most dangerous highways in the US run through North Texas: I-20, I-35, and US-175. This could be why it’s been almost 23 years since we have gone a day without a traffic fatality in Texas. Causes of Traffic Accidents in Texas […]

Keep Your Teen Driver Safe on the Road

Keep Your Teen Driver Safe on the Road

Did you know that car crashes are a leading cause of death for teenagers from 15-18 in the United States? Make sure your teen knows the rules of the road so they are as prepared as possible for their new adventure into driving on their own. Texas has a Graduated License Program The driver’s license […]

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident in Texas

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident in Texas

If you are injured in a hit and run accident in Texas, there are a few things you can do to ensure you are able to file a successful injury claim. If the other driver flees the scene, you may be left with costly medical bills and damage to your car, but there are still […]