Client Story – Rear-Ended on the Highway
Through no fault of her own, our client was rear-ended at high speed on the highway, which resulted in severe injuries to her shoulder and back, including a torn rotator cuff that required surgery. Her car was totaled from the wreck.
It took over a year of rehabilitation treatment for her to recover, and during that time, she couldn’t take care of her pets and loved ones because of her limited ability to move. These are the types of things we ask about during the injury claim process – how are your injuries affecting your life? Are you having to miss out on your son’s soccer games or carrying your baby to bed for bedtime stories? Is your pain causing you to miss out on not just work, but your life?
The Carrollton Injury Law Approach
When we take on your injury claim, we leave no stone unturned. We want to know the things you did and enjoyed before your accident that were taken from you, even if it was just temporarily. Asking these questions helps us build a claim that paints a picture of everything you are owed, not just the cost of medical treatment, but your pain, suffering, and mental anguish related to missing out on your life.
Read: Client Story – Injured by a Drunk Driver
Call Carrollton Injury Law
We represent a lot of car accident victims with moderate to severe injuries, and we fight for them to be fairly compensated for their injuries. Call or text Carrollton Injury Law at 972-736-5558 for your FREE injury claim evaluation. We will show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.