Don’t Delay in Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney – It Could Cost You
If you have been injured in an auto accident, you might be putting off hiring a personal injury attorney. That delay is costing you money.
Don’t Make These Mistakes
Mistake #1: You Think You’re Not Hurt That Bad
Many of our clients tell us they wish they had hired us right after the accident, but they thought they weren’t hurt that bad. They thought their soreness and stiffness would go away in a day or two, but then it didn’t, or maybe it even got worse. The insurance company more than likely thinks you weren’t hurt in this accident at all, and they’re going to use it against you that you waited days or even a week to go see a doctor.
Mistake #2: You Think it’s a Simple Claim
The next thing I hear from a lot of our clients is they thought it would be a simple and easy claim, but rest assured, the insurance company is all about frustrating the process. Let’s face it, you’re probably sitting there right now pretty steaming mad that the insurance company hasn’t returned their call to you.
Mistake #3: You Think the Other Driver is Being Nice
Another reason our clients tell us they delayed in hiring us until much later is that the other driver was being nice, or the other driver even said he was sorry for causing the accident, but you’re not going to be working with the other driver. You’re going to be working with the other driver’s insurance company, and that insurance company doesn’t think you’re hurt in this accident.
Mistake #4: You Gave a Recorded Statement
If you gave a recorded statement to the insurance company, they’re going to try to find something in that statement that allows them to blame you, at least partially, for the accident. This will mean that they’ll pay less for your claim later.
Mistake #5: You Think the Insurance Adjuster is Being Nice
Another one we hear quite often is the insurance adjuster is being nice. Sure, they’ll lead you down a primrose path sometimes and make you think that they’re going to treat you like a “good neighbor”, but then you find out too late in the process that their lowball offer is not very nice.
Mistake #6: Thinking You Don’t Need an Attorney Because the Other Driver Has the Same Insurance as You
One of the most common reasons we hear for not hiring us sooner is that the other driver has the same insurance company as you.
But that doesn’t matter.
Our clients don’t find out till too late in the process that even their own insurance company won’t treat them right. All insurance companies are looking to pay the least amount possible for an injury claim, even yours.
Mistake #7: You Were Just Going to Ask for What’s “Fair”
One of the last phrases I want to talk about today is our clients thought initially that they were just going to ask for what was “fair”.
But let’s talk about what is fair.
Even if you know everything there is to know about making a personal injury claim correctly, even if you do seek all the right treatment and submit it correctly to the adjuster, even if you’re the best negotiator in the world, the insurance company still knows that you’re not an attorney, and we all know that “fair” is not what they’re going to offer to a non-attorney.
Carrollton Injury Law knows what is fair, and it’s likely a lot more than you think it is. Please call or text us at 972-848-5766 to schedule your free no obligation consultation today.
How is Carrollton Injury Law different?
At Carrollton Injury Law, we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law. Our ultimate goal is to give you the personal attention you need to help make sure that you have a speedy recovery and obtain the absolute best compensation possible.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of an accident, please call or text Carrollton Injury Law today at 972-848-5766 for a FREE injury claim evaluation. We look forward to showing you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.