Getting Denied by Insurance Does Not Mean Give Up!
If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, we know that it’s an interruption of your entire life. Now, to make matters worse, the insurance company has denied your injury claim, but that does not mean you should give up. You just need to get an attorney who knows what to do next.
What to Do if Insurance Denied Your Claim
Denial of your injury claim could still mean big bucks for you. Insurance companies routinely deny about 10-15% of all injury claims. The insurance company is banking on the fact that most people won’t seek an attorney’s help, and this just means that the insurance company keeps getting richer.
Other reasons your claim might be denied:
The other driver may claim that the accident was your fault
Perhaps the insurance company doesn’t believe you were hurt in this accident
The insurance company may claim that the policy just wasn’t in effect at the time, that someone didn’t pay the premium
We’ve successfully fought against all these denials for our clients. Sometimes it just takes an attorney to make the insurance company do the right thing. Once they receive our demand letter, they’ll act right. This year alone, we’ve sent three demand letters for policy limits.
We Will Fight For You
We have another situation where a poor mother’s son died in a motorcycle accident that was not his fault. First, she had been denied in her claim. Then, the first attorney she hired was also denied in their claim and they dropped her. When the case came to us, we did a more thorough investigation and sent a detailed demand letter to max out two insurance policies for that poor mother.
Even if the insurance company is successful in denial of a claim, that doesn’t mean to give up there. We know to go look for other policies that the insurance company is probably not going to tell you about.
The driver’s policy
The owner of the vehicle’s policy
Potentially an employer policy that should apply if the driver was at work
We know how to uncover all the stones to find all of this evidence. Just because your injury claim has been denied doesn’t mean you should give up. Don’t let the insurance company profit even more at your expense.
How is Carrollton Injury Law Different?
At Carrollton Injury Law, we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law. Our ultimate goal is to give you the personal attention you need to help make sure that you have a speedy recovery and get the absolute best compensation possible.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of an accident, please call or text Carrollton Injury Law today at 972-848-5766 for a FREE injury claim evaluation. We look forward to showing you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.