Happy Holidays – Don’t Drink and Drive
Tis the season for holiday parties and merriment, but be careful if you have been drinking. Don’t get behind the wheel of your car – call an Uber, Lyft, or a friend who hasn’t been drinking to come pick you up.
It’s Not Worth the Risk
In 2021 there were over 4,000 deaths from car accidents in Texas. Over 1,000 of them were related to people driving under the influence (DUI). That’s about 25% of all deaths related to car wrecks in a year. Don’t become a statistic, find a designated driver or call an Uber if you have been drinking.
Injured in a Drunk Driving Accident? We Can Help.
At Carrollton Injury Law, personal injury claims are all we do. If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident that wasn’t your fault, call or text us at 972-848-5766 for a free injury claim evaluation.
We are committed to getting you the most money for your injuries, and we believe that consistent communication leads to a more efficient and successful financial recovery in the end. Let us show you how we put Personal back into personal Injury Law.