How an Attorney Can Help with Health Insurance Reimbursement After an Accident
If you have been injured in an accident, you may be using your health insurance to get your medical treatment. If this sounds like you, watch this video or continue reading to learn how an attorney can help you get reimbursed for those claims.
After Your Accident
After your accident, you’re going to get a form in the mail that asks questions about whether or not you have an attorney, whether or not you have an injury claim, or if a lawsuit has been filed. We ask our clients not to reply to this letter. Send that form to us to make us aware of it, but don’t reply to your insurance company.
A month or two later, you’ll probably get a second form asking the same type of questions. We again ask you not to reply to that, just send it to us.
In rare circumstances, we’ve seen the health insurance company send a third form that threatens benefits, meaning they’re not going to pay for future medical bills if you don’t reply. By all means, at that point you shoudl definitely let us know.
How an Attorney Can Help
When you receive that form and notify us, we will fill it out for you and negotiate the health reimbursement claim. One of the benefits of having an attorney is if they do make a health reimbursement claim, we get notice of it. We will have to pay it, but we can usually get a reduction on that amount.
The reason we tell you not to fill out the forms is that we don’t feel it’s appropriate to do the health insurance company’s job for them, because that’s what it’s all about: they’re trying to seek reimbursement out of your settlement.
Separate from that reimbursement is a lien. If it’s a lien, we have a legal duty to make sure it gets paid. If you have Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or a potential hospital lien, let us know right away. Getting a response from those government offices does take quite some time, and we don’t want to delay your settlement in the future because of that.
How is Carrollton Injury Law different?
At Carrollton Injury Law, we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law. Our ultimate goal is to give you the personal attention you need to help make sure that you have a speedy recovery and obtain the absolute best compensation possible.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of an accident, please call or text Carrollton Injury Law today at 972-848-5766 for a FREE injury claim evaluation. We look forward to showing you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.