How do You Calculate a Wrongful Death Claim?
A wrongful death claim can be filed by a victim’s family when their death was due to the negligence of another person, product, or a business. The survivors can be compensated for the lost wages from the victim, as well as other damages.
Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim
A survivor of a victim in a wrongful death claim can seek damages for:
Loss of the victim’s expected earnings
Medical and funeral expenses
Loss of benefits
The value of the services provided by the deceased, for instance, the value of cooking and cleaning the home and childcare for a stay-at-home parent
Mental anguish
Loss of companionship
Loss of consortium, or the loss of the benefits of a family relationship
Some of these damages are economic, or tangible. Things like lost earnings and other expenses have a dollar amount that is included in the claim. The non-economic damages, or less tangible items, are things like mental anguish and loss of companionship. While these don’t necessarily have a standardized price tag attached, they can sometimes be worth more than economic damages.
If you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, we are sorry for your loss. Call or text Carrollton Injury Law any time at 972-787-0325 for a free claim evaluation, and we will help you get compensated for the loss of your loved one.
Carrollton Injury Law Can Help with Your Wrongful Death Claim
At Carrollton Injury Law, personal injury claims are all we do. We are committed to getting you the most money back for your injuries, and we believe that consistent communication leads to a more efficient and successful financial recovery in the end. We reach out to you regularly to update you on the status of your claim, and we want to be continually informed about everything happening on your end – your medical treatment for painful injuries, your limitations in life due to someone else’s negligence, your lost wages from missing work, your disfigurement or scarring, your permanent impairment, and your pain and suffering – everything you’re going through. All of this information is vital to the successful handling of your personal injury claim.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident call or text Carrollton Injury Law at 972-787-0325 for a FREE injury claim evaluation. We will show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.