What Does the Traffic Sign “Left Turn Yield When Green” Mean?

What does the traffic sign ‘left turn yield when green’ mean?

A “Left Turn Yield When Green” traffic sign means that you must yield to oncoming traffic when making a left turn. A solid green light does not offer the same turn protection as a green arrow.  Read: What Does a Flashing Yellow Turn Arrow Mean? What if I Get into an Accident Turning Left? If you […]

Why is it Illegal to Not Wear Your Seatbelt?

why is it illegal to not wear your seatbelt?

According to the NHTSA, wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of dying in a car accident by 45% for people driving or in the passenger seat of a vehicle. It is illegal to be unbuckled in your seat whether you are in the driver’s seat, passenger’s seat, or back seat. Wearing a seatbelt in the […]

On a Texas Driver’s License, What Does a G Restriction Mean?

In Texas, what does a G restriction mean on a driver's license?

The G restriction on a Texas driver’s license indicates that the driver is under the age of eighteen. This also means that for the first six months of driving, the licensee cannot drive on a public highway. Additionally, the licensee cannot use any mobile devices, including pagers, tablets, or cell phones while driving, even if […]

Should I Replace My Child’s Car Seat After a Car Accident?

Should I Replace My Child’s Car Seat After a Car Accident?

In accordance with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) guidelines, your child’s car seat or booster seat should be replaced if you were involved in a moderate or severe collision. This is true even if your child was not in the car when the accident occurred. You can think of car seats like bike helmets. […]