That’s a Wrap on the 7th Annual “Legal” Briefs Charity Drive
The holidays are over and we are well into the new year. With that comes the end of our annual charity donation drive, the 7th annual “Legal” Briefs Charity Drive. Each year we ask for donations of new packages of underwear, socks, bras, and undershirts to benefit those served by Metrocrest Services. We’re proud to announce that through our generous donors and community sponsors, we collected over 1,000 items to deliver to Metrocrest Services this season! We want to extend a warm thank you to everyone who participated by donating, hosting a donation box at your facility, and by sharing our posts on social media. We are proud to host this donation drive every year, and we are looking forward to collecting even more in 2024.
Thank You to Our Box Hosts
Thank you to our generous box hosts for allowing us to put a donation box at your office. Spreading the word makes for more donations to serve more people, and we are grateful! Boxes were located at:
Denton Chiropractic Center
American Pup Culture
Texas Healthcare Neck and Back
Xtreme Collision
Stonebridge Chiropractic
Sophia’s Kitchen
Ship N More
Bent Tree Chiropractic
Accident Centers of Texas
Eggsellent Café
Core Strength and Wellness Center
Pegasus Spine and Joint
Carrollton Chiropractic and Massage
If you would like to host a donation box for the 2024 “Legal” Briefs Charity Drive beginning in November, please email us and let us know! We are looking forward to continuing to support our community.
Carrollton Injury Law – The Personal Personal Injury Law Firm
At Carrollton Injury Law, we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law. We truly care about our clients, and we take care of the entire injury claim process so our clients can focus on healing from their injuries and spending time doing what they want to do, rather than fighting with an insurance company. Personal Injury is all we do, so we are completely focused on getting you the money you deserve for your injury claim. Call or text us at 972-360-9898 for your FREE injury claim evaluation and we will show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.