Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in a Car Accident
A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs when the head or body sustains a violent blow or jolt, such as the sudden impact that happens in a car wreck. Traumatic brain injuries can also occur after any object goes through brain tissue, such as a shattered piece of skull or a bullet.
Levels of TBI
Mild traumatic brain injuries can have short term affects as the brain cells are temporarily damaged. A mild TBI could be a concussion.
However, if you sustain a more-serious TBI, you may have bleeding, torn tissue, bruising, or other life-threatening damage to the brain. These complications are long-term and sometimes result in death. Traumatic brain injuries can happen from a vehicle-related collision, a sports injury, a fall, any combat injury such as an explosive blast, or violence whether assault or domestic. Babies who have been shaken violently suffer from the traumatic brain injury known as shaken baby syndrome.
TBI Side Effects
There are several different ways that the brain can be affected after a traumatic brain injury. A person may be left in a vegetative state, a minimally conscious state, suffer brain death, or be in a coma. You may also begin to experience seizures, vertigo, headaches, infections, fluid buildup in the brain, and blood vessel damage which could lead to a stroke or blood clots.
Preventing a Traumatic Brain Injury
These are just a few of the side effects and symptoms of traumatic brain injuries. To prevent a traumatic brain injury, make sure that you always wear a helmet while riding a bike, skateboarding, snowboarding, or riding a motorcycle. Always pay attention to your surroundings when crossing the street, driving, or walking through a trail. Do not drink or do drugs and drive or use heavy machinery. Always wear your seatbelt in your vehicle, and children should always be in the back of the vehicle in their appropriate car seat for their size and weight.
Texas Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
At Carrollton Injury Law, we help our clients who have suffered a TBI as a result of a car wreck or a fall. When you choose Carrollton Injury Law, you are getting the personalized experience – we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.
If you or a loved on has been injured in an accidence, call or text us at 972-360-9898 for your FREE injury claim evaluation. There is no obligation and no money up front to you to find out how we can help you – and we don’t get paid until we win! Pick up the phone today and give us a call.