Understanding the Different Types of Personal Injury Claims

Understanding the Different Types of Personal Injury Claims

Accidents happen, and when they result in injury due to someone else’s negligence, it’s crucial to understand the different types of personal injury claims for Texans. In this article we’ll look at common scenarios where you may seek compensation for injuries, ranging from car accidents to dog bites, and provide you with a thorough understanding […]

Getting Started with your Free Injury Claim Evaluation

Getting started with your free injury claim evaluation

https://youtu.be/aB10RkWYoLw?si=ey46-6OVF5_ralQc If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, you may be wondering, what a free injury claim evaluation is, and will it hurt? Let me assure you, an injury claim evaluation does not hurt. It’s quick, and it’ll actually probably make you feel better. First of all, the free injury claim evaluation that we offer […]

Client Story: Premises Liability Claim Initially Denied (But We Proved Liability!)

Client Story – Premises Liability

Our client was in a department store fitting room when a mirror fell down and severely cut them, requiring immediate medical attention. Initially, liability for the accident was denied, meaning the department store denied their responsibility, but we were able to fight to reverse that denial and get our client paid. Damages We Fought For […]