Have You Been Injured Due to a Slip or Trip & Fall Accident? Watch this Video!
You may have recently been hurt in a slip and fall or a trip and fall incident, and you’re wondering whether or not to hire an attorney. We know how slip and fall claims can be quite embarrassing at times, but also cause devastating injuries.
You may have already called around and found that most law firms don’t take slip and fall claims. At Carrollton injury law, we love slip and fall claims. The reason why other firms don’t like these claims is because the new laws in the state of Texas make these claims much harder to make: just because you slipped or tripped on someone else’s property doesn’t automatically make them responsible for your injuries.
At Carrollton Injury Law, we understand this. We know these new laws inside and out, and we know exactly what it takes to make a property owner responsible for your injuries. So if you’ve recently been hurt and a slip and fall or a trip and fall incident, don’t be too embarrassed to pick up the phone and call us today at Carrollton Injury Law to schedule your free injury claim evaluation. We will show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.
How is Carrollton Injury Law different?
At Carrollton Injury Law, our goal is to give you the personal attention you need to help make sure that you have a speedy recovery and get the absolute best compensation possible.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of a slip and fall accident, please call or text Carrollton Injury Law today at 972-450-9562 for a FREE injury claim evaluation. We look forward to showing you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.