Keep Kids Safe in the Pool
As temperatures warm up in Texas, neighborhood pools will be opening, or maybe you have a swimming pool in your back yard. Keep your family and visitors safe by following these guidelines when swimming.
1. Teach Children How to Swim
Knowing how to swim can save a child’s life in the pool. There are several options when it comes to swimming lessons, including swimming schools and reduced cost options through your local clubs like the YMCA.
2. Never Leave a Child or Pet Unattended Near the Water
Watch children in or near the pool at all times. Be sure you are not distracted by reading or looking at your phone – drowning can happen quickly. Even if you are at a public pool with a lifeguard, it is still important for an adult to keep an eye on everyone in your group. The more people watching, the better, especially if the pool is crowded.
3. Teach Children to Stay Away from Pool Drains
Pool drains have powerful suction that could even trap an adult underwater, so be sure to teach children to stay away from them. Public pools are required to have drain covers that meet certain safety standards, so if you are visiting a public pool, be sure they are up to code.
4. Install Barriers, Covers, and/or Alarms Around Your Pool
Installing a fence around the pool can help keep children safe. Be sure they can’t climb it, and as an added precaution, you can connect a door alarm on the door from the house to the pool to be alerted when the door is open.
5. Learn CPR for Children and Adults
Every second counts when trying to help a drowning victim. Bystanders who are CPR certified can help the victim first before paramedics arrive. CPR classes are offered by many hospitals, so check the ones near you.
If a Loved One Has Been a Victim of a Drowning, Call Us.
Swimming should be a fun activity for the whole family, but it can turn into a tragedy in an instant. If someone you love has been a victim of drowning, call or text us at 972-450-9562 for a FREE injury claim evaluation, and we will show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.