If You Have Been Injured Due to a Drunk Driver, Watch This!
If you or someone you love has been hurt or killed by a drunk driver, this video will explain to you how drunk is different.
Drunk is Different
Drunk drivers ruin the lives of families every day. The reason why drunk is different is because drunk driving collisions are not usually slight collisions where someone failed to break in time.
On the contrary, drunk driving incidents are usually horrible t-bone collisions or head on collisions at high rates of speed, where the drunk driver probably didn’t break at all.
The next reason why drunk is different: juries hate drunk drivers. Insurance companies know this. That’s why you shouldn’t fall into their trap of accepting their quick settlement offer before you’ve hired an attorney. When you hire our firm, we’ll make sure that insurance company feels that threat of litigation that you just don’t have without an attorney.
If you or someone you love have been hurt or injured or killed by a drunk driver, please give us a call today at Carrollton Injury Law to schedule your free injury claim evaluation. Let us show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.
How is Carrollton Injury Law different?
At Carrollton Injury Law, we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law. Our ultimate goal is to give you the personal attention you need to help make sure that you have a speedy recovery and best outcome possible.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of an accident, please call or text Carrollton Injury Law today at 972-787-0260 for a FREE injury claim evaluation. We look forward to showing you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.