The Most Dangerous Highways in Texas
According to crash fatality data from the NHTSA in 2018, three of the fifty most dangerous highways in the US run through North Texas: I-20, I-35, and US-175. This could be why it’s been almost 23 years since we have gone a day without a traffic fatality in Texas.
Causes of Traffic Accidents in Texas
According to the TxDOT district engineer, Ceason Clemens, speeding is the number one cause of traffic fatalities in Dallas County, with impaired driving as the second highest cause.
Half of all traffic fatalities between 2019-2022 were not wearing seatbelts.
Read: Why is it Illegal to Not Wear Your Seatbelt?
What about the time of day? 70% of all accidents happen between 7am-7pm, but 55% of all fatal crashes happen overnight in Texas.
TxDOT’s Improvement Plan
TxDOT has released a $24 million improvement plan that will be implemented over the next 3 years in Dallas County in an effort to reach the goal of zero traffic fatalities per year by 2050. Some of these initiatives include adding rumble strips, improving barriers and pavement markings, repairing and replacing traffic signals, and installing speed displays showing how fast drivers are going.
There is only so much the city can do for roadways to ensure they are forgiving, and according to Clemens, a lot of the problem boils down to driver behavior. It’s important to be aware and observant when you’re on the road, and keep those distractions, like cell phones, put away.
If You are Injured in a Car Accident, Call Carrollton Injury Law
We help clients from all over Texas get compensated for their car accident injuries, whether you’re involved in a car wreck, big truck accident, motorcycle accident, or pedestrian accident. Call or text us at 972-360-9898 for your FREE injury claim evaluation. We will show you how we put Personal back into Personal Injury Law.