The Essential Guide to Reimbursed Medical Costs from Rideshare Accidents in Texas

The Essential Guide to Reimbursed Medical Costs from Rideshare Accidents in Texas

In 2023, there were over 15,000 rideshare-related accidents reported in Texas. Behind each of those statistics lies a personal story of the physical, emotional, and financial toll taken on innocent passengers. If you’ve found yourself in a rideshare accident, your top priority should be ensuring your medical needs are taken care of. But the path […]

The Statute of Limitations: Why Time is of the Essence in Personal Injury Claims

The Statute of Limitations: Why Time is of the Essence in Personal Injury Claims

In personal injury law, time is a critical factor that can significantly impact the outcome of your claim. Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident, a slip and fall incident, or any other unfortunate circumstance, understanding the statute of limitations is essential. In this article, we’ll explore why time is of the essence in […]

Understanding the Different Types of Personal Injury Claims

Understanding the Different Types of Personal Injury Claims

Accidents happen, and when they result in injury due to someone else’s negligence, it’s crucial to understand the different types of personal injury claims for Texans. In this article we’ll look at common scenarios where you may seek compensation for injuries, ranging from car accidents to dog bites, and provide you with a thorough understanding […]

The Insurance Adjuster is a Brat!

The insurance adjuster is a brat If you were hurt in an accident recently, you’re already playing a game with a brat, but you may not realize it. Remember back when you were a kid playing with friends and there was always that one bratty kid that always wanted to play the game their way and nobody else’s? The insurance […]

Is it Worth Getting an Attorney for a Car Accident?

Is it Worth Getting an Attorney for a Car Accident?

Car accidents can leave you with physical injuries, emotional trauma, and a myriad of uncertainties. One common question heard from car accident victims is whether it’s worth hiring an attorney to help you after a car wreck. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why seeking legal assistance can be beneficial and provide you […]

You’re Killing Me, Smalls! Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Accident

why you need a personal injury lawyer after an accident You’re killing me, Smalls! We’re using that reference from the classic movie The Sandlot to teach you a lesson about why you should seek a personal injury law firm after you’ve been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault. If you’ve seen the movie, then you probably remember how much the kids love playing […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Posting About Your Car Accident to Social Media

4 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Posting About Your Car Accident to Social Media

In the age of Facebook updates and Instagram stories, it’s natural to feel the urge to share life’s moments, both big and small. However, when it comes to a car accident, hitting the brakes on your social media sharing instinct can be crucial for protecting your legal rights and ensuring a smooth recovery process. The […]

Can a Personal Injury Settlement be Garnished in Texas?

Can a Personal Injury Settlement be Garnished in Texas?

If you have been injured in an accident, you are already dealing with a lot. On top of that, you may have outstanding debts that you’re worried about paying, especially if you have to miss work to recover from your injuries. Considering that over 77% of Americans are carrying debt, you are not alone in […]

What Happens if my Uber or Lyft is in an Accident?

What Happens if my Uber or Lyft is in an Accident?

If you are using a rideshare service like Uber, Lyft, or Alto, and you are involved in an accident, you may be wondering what your rights are as the passenger, especially if you are injured. In this article, we will break down what to do in an accident and what the next steps to take […]