How to Calculate “Pain and Suffering” Damages

How to Calculate “Pain and Suffering” Damages

What is “pain and suffering”, and how do you put a dollar amount on it? The most common method to calculate pain and suffering damages is the multiplier method. The Multiplier Method An insurance company will review everything in your injury claim, including all medical records and bills, documentation about lost wages, and pictures, and […]

3 Mistakes to Avoid After an Accident [video]

3 mistakes to avoid after car accident Let’s talk about three mistakes you need to try to avoid that can lower the final dollar amount we can get for your injury claim.  Mistake #1: Delay in Seeking Your First Treatment If you’ve had a car accident and you have not been to the doctor at all yet, preferably you need to […]

How Long Do I Have to Sue After a Car Accident in Texas?

How Long Do I Have to Sue After a Car Accident in Texas?

In Texas there is a 2 year statute of limitations for personal injury claims. That means you have 2 years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury claim related to the accident. Don’t Wait to File a Claim While you technically have 2 years to file a personal injury claim, it’s […]

How do You Calculate a Wrongful Death Claim?

How do You Calculate a Wrongful Death Claim?

A wrongful death claim can be filed by a victim’s family when their death was due to the negligence of another person, product, or a business. The survivors can be compensated for the lost wages from the victim, as well as other damages. Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim A survivor of a victim in […]

You Might Have a Diminished Value Claim and Not Know it!

diminished value claim If your car has been in a wreck and it was not your fault, there are two things that are true: You have a diminished value claim. You likely don’t know it.  When your car has to be repaired, it doesn’t stop there. We know the for-profit insurance company isn’t going to tell you […]

Were You in an Accident with a Commercial Truck? Here are the Top 3 Things to Know

Were You in an Accident with a Commercial Truck? Here are the Top 3 Things to Know.

According to the National Safety Council’s data from 2020, in the U.S. there were 107,000 semi-trucks involved in an accident that resulted in an injury, and over 4,000 that involved death. In 83% of those cases, the person injured or killed was either in another vehicle or a pedestrian. That’s quite a few injuries, so […]

Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

Common types of personal injury claims

If you have been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may have been part of a personal injury claim against the other driver’s insurance company. However, injuries from car accidents aren’t the only type of personal injury claims. Here are a few common types of personal injury claims we can help you […]

3 Things You Need for a Lost Wages Claim [video]

3 things you need for a lost wages claim thumbnail Most of our clients that are hurt in an accident, miss at least some time from work. It may have only been a few hours on the date of the accident, or might have been days, weeks, or even months. At any rate, they were forced to use their paid time off. That is, […]

A Scar is Not the Same as Pain and Suffering [video]

A scar is not the same as pain and suffering If you’ve been scarred in a car accident that was not your fault, you need to know that a scar is not the same as pain and suffering. An insurance company should pay an additional amount for your scar, and it’s a lot more than you think. Hi, I’m Joel Hudson with Carrollton Injury […]

What Happens if You are Injured in a Car Accident While Using a Rideshare Service?

Person using rideshare phone app

As of 2021, 36% of Americans have used a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft. That’s more than double the users in 2015, when only 15% of Americans had used a rideshare service. Unfortunately, with the increase in use comes the increase in injuries related to rideshare services. Fortunately, a personal injury law firm like […]