The Difference Between PIP and MedPay

The Difference Between PIP and MedPay

PIP, or personal injury protection, and MedPay, or medical payments coverage, are two different types of coverage on your auto insurance policy. Personal injury protection (PIP) is coverage that will help pay for costs related to injuries from a car accident, including medical treatment, lost wages, and funeral expenses, if applicable. Most policies have $2,500 […]

Don’t Make This Costly Mistake with Your Injury Claim

Don’t Make This Costly Mistake with Your Injury Claim

Recently, we met with someone who was injured in a car accident and realized that she’d made a costly mistake when attempting to handle her insurance claim herself.  For the purpose of this article, we’ll call her Sally. Sally was in a collision, and the other driver was at fault. The insurance adjuster for the […]

Getting Denied by Insurance Does Not Mean Give Up! [video]

getting denied by insurance does not mean give up

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, we know that it’s an interruption of your entire life. Now, to make matters worse, the insurance company has denied your injury claim, but that does not mean you should give up. You just need to get an attorney who knows what to do next. What to […]

This Mistake Cost Our Client $10,000

This Mistake Cost Our Client $10,000

One of our clients realized that she’d made a costly mistake when choosing her insurance coverage after she was injured in a car accident. The Mistake Our client chose to add Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay) to her auto policy instead of Personal Injury Protection coverage (PIP) when she chose her auto insurance. Why is This […]

Have You Been Injured in a Motorcycle Accident? Watch This Video! [video]

Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident? We know that motorcycle owners are generally safe riders and they show have equal access to the road. The problem is that someone else with a car or truck gets on that same road, and an accident can happen. With less protection, injuries from motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic. Motorcycle accident injuries often have […]

Personal Injury Claims 101 – A Personal Injury Roadmap

Personal Injury Claims 101 – A Personal Injury Roadmap

Here at Carrollton Injury Law, personal injury claims are all we do. Over the years we have developed a personal injury roadmap with 9 stops along the way to help you understand the personal injury claim process. Continue reading, or watch our founder and attorney Joel Hudson break it down in this video. Stop 1: […]

What is a Demand Letter? [video]

what is a demand letter A well-crafted demand letter is vital to a successful injury claim – but what exactly is it? Joel Hudson, founder and attorney at Carrollton Injury Law explains in this video. What Goes into a Demand Letter A demand letter is sent by your personal injury lawyer when you’re done being treated for your injuries. […]

The Injury Claim Process: Simplified

Injury Claim Process Simplified We understand that many of our clients have never had an injury claim before, or perhaps this is the first accident they’ve ever been in. One of the most frequently asked questions that we have is how does the injury claim process work? Well, we’ve put together what we call a personal injury roadmap, […]

How to Calculate “Pain and Suffering” Damages

How to Calculate “Pain and Suffering” Damages

What is “pain and suffering”, and how do you put a dollar amount on it? The most common method to calculate pain and suffering damages is the multiplier method. The Multiplier Method An insurance company will review everything in your injury claim, including all medical records and bills, documentation about lost wages, and pictures, and […]

3 Mistakes to Avoid After an Accident [video]

3 mistakes to avoid after car accident Let’s talk about three mistakes you need to try to avoid that can lower the final dollar amount we can get for your injury claim.  Mistake #1: Delay in Seeking Your First Treatment If you’ve had a car accident and you have not been to the doctor at all yet, preferably you need to […]