Where Does Traffic Ticket Money Go in Texas?

Where does traffic ticket money go in Texas?

When you pay ticket in Texas, your traffic ticket money is usually split up between the state’s general fund, crime victims’ compensation unit, trauma and emergency medical services fund, or to the city or county where you received the ticket. However, this all depends on the amount owed and the type of law enforcement that […]

Do Police Officers Really get Bonuses for Giving Tickets?

Do Police officers really get bonuses for giving tickets

Police officers do not get bonuses for the number of citations, or tickets, they give, and there is no “quota” for the number of tickets they must write in a month or year. They may receive compensation for recovering a certain number of stolen vehicles or serving time in a courtroom, but other than that, it […]

Why is it Illegal to Not Wear Your Seatbelt?

why is it illegal to not wear your seatbelt?

According to the NHTSA, wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of dying in a car accident by 45% for people driving or in the passenger seat of a vehicle. It is illegal to be unbuckled in your seat whether you are in the driver’s seat, passenger’s seat, or back seat. Wearing a seatbelt in the […]

Is My Texas Driver License Valid on the Expiration Date?

Is my driver license valid on the exact date that it expires?

Your Texas driver license is perfectly valid until midnight on the day that it expires. Texas driver licenses are valid for eight years for adults over the age of 21. A lot of the time driver licenses can be easily renewed online without having to visit a driver license office. Take a moment right now to […]

Is it Legal for Traffic Police to Hide in Order to Catch Drivers?

Is it legal for police officers to hide

Yes, police officers are allowed to hide with a radar gun to catch drivers who are speeding. Tickets are still valid, when police hide out in private driveways, even if the police officer was not granted permission to use the driveway as a hideout. It is not entrapment when a patrol car is hidden from […]